We find the right candidates for the right job and provide vital expertise to our clients and employers at the right time. We have a number of expert Recruitment Officers and staffs who are capable of providing top caliber workers to cover our employers’ manpower requirements in a timely manner.
Job Pooling and Matching
We see to it that we have a considerable number of applicants in our manpower pooling that are ready and available for employer’s interview and selection. We have multiple pooling channels to meet the growing demand of our clients.
Pre-Interview and Document Completion
We make sure that all of the applicants have complete documentation required by the employers prior to their interview. Pre-interview or mock interview is also conducted to prepare our applicants for the employer’s interview.
Face to Face or Online Interview
Full assistance given to the interviewer and interviewees is given by AMSI staffs during the actual interview and we make sure thatthe applicants have a good/stable internet signal during the online interview.
Initial screening and pre-qualification are being conducted by our Recruitment Officers to make sure that only applicants who are suitable for the job are endorsed for employers’ interview and selection.
Submission of Pre-Screened Applicants to Employers
Pre-screened applications are being submitted to the employer/s to give the employer enough time to assess the applicant’s qualifications before the actual interview.
We make it our priority to guarantee a seamless deployment. Our team is dedicated to working with clients and employees to ensure a successful integration, and we are committed to providing excellent service from start to finish.

We offer an ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE, NO Processing Fee, NO Placement Fee, NO Salary Deduction, NO Medical Fee, NO Training Fee to all Household Service Worker(HSW) candidates. We also process passports of our HSW applicants at NO COST. Only medically fit candidates whose document requirements are complete shall be processed. Training and/or seminars, depending on the position applying for, may be required. TESDA Certificate and/or any other certificates, credentialing, Saudi Seal, and DFA Aposdtille or Red Ribbon of pertinent documents may be required upon processing of the application.
We value and safeguard our OFWs, thus, AMSI guarantees that all signed contracts in the Philippines are valid and binding with the employer of the host country. We ensure that mandatory requirements are completed prior to the deployment. We also conduct pre-departure orientation to familiarize our OFWs with the procedures they will have to undertake upon arrival to the host country, the employer they will be working with, and how to seek for assistance through Foreign Recruitment Agency (FRA) partners.